Works in Star Wars But NOT for You – TIP

I once proposed something in a story and the client said, “no, we don’t need to do that here…” When I was adamant that the story-needed it-he said,

“We don’t need it, because they didn’t do that in Star Wars.” <true story>

Just because someone else made something work, doesn’t mean it works for you. Referencing another piece of media as proof of what can or can’t be done, makes it clear that you don’t actually know why or how it works.

All story decisions and structural elements should be supported throughout the narrative giving them distinct relevance. Elements from fiction are not plug-and-play.  ▪

About the Author —
Nick Macari is a full-time freelance story consultant, developmental editor and writer, working primarily in the independent gaming and comic markets. His first published comic appeared on shelves via Diamond in the late 90’s. Today you can find his comic work on comixology, amazon and in select stores around the U.S.  Visit for social media contacts and news on his latest releases.