Surviving in the Age of AI

AI is here and it isn’t going anywhere.

For whatever reasons the powers that be want it here.

I don’t know what the future holds, but the best I reckon:

AI is going to take a lot of writer jobs and make being an independent creator harder for most, easier for a few.

Can anyone recall a technology from any point in history, that appeared, made things cheaper and easier, but society DIDN’T adopt it? If you can think of anything please drop a comment.

Today, when I jump on the streaming services on my TV, there are more movies available than there were movies at the Block Buster physical stores back in the day (the biggest Video Rental stores).

Ok, here’s my point.

When I’m going to watch a movie, I look for a few different things:

  1. Directors/Writers

  2. Actors

  3. the Content itself

  4. Production Quality

Ridley Scott, Chris Nolan, Martin Scorsese, Hayao Miyazaki, Brian De Palma, Oliver Stone. If these dudes put out a new movie, I’m at least checking out the trailer.

Same with actors, there’s a few that I will take note of their movies, just because they’re in it. Not only because I may like them as an actor, but because I believe they are a “quality gatekeeper.” That is to say, that they generally only take on roles in quality projects.

For the content itself, there are certainly occasions when I don’t know anyone affiliated with the movie, but something about the content itself comes across inviting enough to make me watch the movie. Usually, this is something in the concept.

Case in point, I recently watched the horror movie “Tell me how I die.”  I didn’t know anything about the case or production people. I was simply intrigued by the idea of a group of college students undergoing a clinical drug trial, then gaining the ability to see premonitions of their own deaths. This was basically a new spin on the Final Destination franchise concept.

Though sometimes, the content isn’t about the concept itself, but about some elements of the content. The is especially relevant if I’m in a particular mood. “You know what, I’m really in the mood to watch some big hairy monster tear a bunch of people apart.” Ohh look at this movie right here with this giant werewolf monster… or, I’m really in the mood to watch something dark, with people trapped in an underground survival situation, “Yeah, Descent works here.”

You get the picture.

Finally, the production quality of the movie often comes into play. Usually this works in tandem with the last point.

If I’m in the mood for a monster flick, but a movies shows a super cheesy werewolf, I’m likely to pass… but if that werewolf is a practical effect, NOT CGI and the quality looks great, I’m more than likely sold!

Or maybe there’s a movie I’m totally unsure about or never heard of, but the cinematography of the trailer is just outstanding. Or, it’s some crazy Space Opera with costume work that’s just unbelivably top notch. Sold.

I hope you enjoyed my list of how to survive as a writer and creator in the age of budding AI.

Wait, you missed it?

Alright, leme break it down again…


FIRST, build you brand. NOW.

Get known. Get to be one of the people other people recognize as representing quality.

When the flood of AI generated material washes over society, folks will still take notice of their favorite creators. IN FACT, when there’s so much shit flying around, the ONLY content a lot of people may be looking for, is content from people they know and trust.

Read that last bit again.


SECOND, develop your expertise. NOW.

Of course, you actually have to represent quality for your brand to be successful. So as a writer, hopefully you’re reading my books and studying my websites to help you on your way! (yeah, yeah, shameless plug.)

Seriously though, right now, it’s a challenge to get noticed in the mass of content floating around.

The industry is only going to get more crowded.

This means your work has to be the best of the best at a fundamental level.

Mediocre and average concepts and productions are simply not going to survive in the age of AI.

Have the foresight to recognize only your best concepts and execute on those.

Creators in the coming years who don’t have REAL expertise are going to find themselves at the whim of the marketing gods (and technological promotional systems). Thrown into a pool of quite potentially MILLIONS of other creators, it’s going to be the yellowest, warmest pool in history.

It’s going to be gross. 


THIRD, focus everything toward quality.

This one is a hard one to swallow, but the fact of the matter is, there’s going to be little room for low-quality material in the age of AI.

Have you guys even seen some of the comic art AI is currently producing?

Here are a few examples of AI generated art as of July 2023. Yes, there are some shortcomings. And we can argue the morality of the CURRENT SYSTEM all day long. But none of that changes what I’m actually putting in this page below:






THE ONLY WAY TO COMPETE WITH THIS, is by having your own human passions explode through your execution.

Your best game is the only game people will take notice of.


About the Author —
Newcomer or veteran writer, if you’re working on a project that needs commercial success, Nick urges to you read this intro article.
Nick Macari is a full-time freelance story consultant, developmental editor and writer, working primarily in the independent gaming and comic markets. His first published comic appeared on shelves via Diamond in the late 90’s. Today you can find his comic work on comixology, Amazon, and in select stores around the U.S.