Ideas are Cheaper than Dirt – TIP
Ideas 12 for 10 cents. Good ideas 4 for a dollar. Awesome ideas $1 ea. Executing any of them successfully—platinum cards accepted. Every writer has dozens of ideas… heck even […]
Ideas 12 for 10 cents. Good ideas 4 for a dollar. Awesome ideas $1 ea. Executing any of them successfully—platinum cards accepted. Every writer has dozens of ideas… heck even […]
Bigger is NOT better. The bigger it is, the longer it takes, the more money it costs to produce! When working on an IP that isn’t proven in the market, […]
As I’ve noted before, visual writing is key to good comic writing. No script is error free, but when I see a script that has multiple instances where the writer […]
If you’ve read the Working Writer’s Guide to Comics, you know it’s all about emotion. You also know one of the most important elements to capture in a character based […]
A great artist can capture just about anything in comic art… but some subtle actions are a definite challenge. These subtle actions can give a good artist a run for […]
In Storycraft for Comics I discuss the three fundamentals of “good” (or genuine) story. One of them is unpredictability. If you’ve ever read a story that was bad (for any […]
I’m all about commercial viability. The bigger the audience the greater the chance of success. Period. But one of the biggest goofs for an indie comic is not knowing who […]
Somebody PM’ed yesterday asking me to confirm or repudiate some advice on comic writing he received. Nothing against homeless guys, but the point here is when you turn to public […]
Don’t waste time including character motivations, plans or goals in your script unless it has something to do with the visual of the panel. Examples: Joe is riding his bike […]
When you’re working on real world premises, you can often take some creative license and meld fact with fiction, but you can’t contradict fact with fiction. Important distinction.▪ About the […]