UPDATE – Mid September 23

Mac’s Insights and Tips on Horror – UPDATED!

Every once in a while, I’ll throw an update to an article. Not too often, but it does happen.

I recently throw another 10 pages of content into my “Writing Horror Fiction” article over on Story to Script. While it’s previous size of 8000 words or so delivered in goods, it’s beast-mode size of 10,000 words really gives it to you in spades.

For non-members of story to script, the increase in article size also kicked open some additional content in the free preview. (I always try to make about 25% of every article free to review for non-members).

Anywho, if you’re writing horror, definitely check it out.


Movie Reviews on the writing?

In other news, did y’all read the article I wrote referencing BLOOD VESSEL?

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a new series of articles where I break down movies from a writing standpoint.

Not a thesis class on every flick, but just some of the jump out things I notice when watching. Maybe I could even do it like a review format, but instead of reviewing the actual movie, review just the writing…

Drop a comment if I should spend any time on this.



Possible server upgrade…

Don’t forget, since I’m not on social media any more–man, it’s nice, lol–please share links to my articles around town.

I’m also debating upgrading my server so it can deliver the content faster. This will take substantially more $$$ to do (And quite a bit of work on my end), so I’m not sure I’m gonna do it… but if there’s a bump up in sales from folks sharing my articles, I will be more inclined to do so.


Until next time,

Write on, write often!